Radio: Samantha Bradshaw speaks to the BBC about Mexican Elections
4 June 2018
Monica Kaminska appeared on the BBC to discuss the project’s research into the 2017 UK Election.
Researchers at Oxford University have found that the quality of news available to British voters on Twitter is superior to that available to Americans ahead of the election of Donald Trump as president.
The Oxford Internet Institute has also discovered that there have been more tweets about Labour than other political parties so far in the campaign.
After the dramatic and tight races that led to Brexit and President Trump, there has been wild speculation about extremists, foreign powers, and wealthy individuals trying to use social media to degrade the truth and influence elections.
The early indications are that any such interference on Twitter doesn’t match that which occurred in America last year.
“It’s not as big of a problem as it was in the States,” says researcher Monica Kaminska.
The full video is available here.