Press: Black, female and high-profile, Kamala Harris is a top target in online fever swamps
19 February 2021
Our research on the 2016 US election was covered in the Daily Dot.
According to a recent study released by a trio of researchers at Hungary’s Corvinus University, Oxford University in the U.K, and the University of Washington in Washington state, hashtags relating to the last general election presidential debate were flooded with tweets from Twitter bots—automated computer programs designed to tweets using predetermined scripts.
Collecting data on some 6 million tweets that included dozens of election-related hashtags ranging from ones popular with conservatives (such as #AmericaFirst, #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, and #hillaryshealth) to those popular with liberals (like #ImWithHer, #ClintonKaine, and #DirtyDonald), and neutral hashtags (#Debates2016, #Debates, #Election2016), the researchers identified that over one-quarter of all the tweets using those hashtags around the time of the debate were likely the work of bots.
19 February 2021
25 January 2021
13 January 2021
7 December 2020